Preparations to reopen the Vale
It may seem that we have been extremely quiet over the last 4 months, since the 12th of December when we managed to smash our target and raise £380,000 as part of our efforts to reopen the Vale of Aeron as a community-owned pub. But we can assure you that we’ve been working very hard behind the scenes!
What we have been doing:
- Registered for VAT
- Appointed solicitors
- Appointed of a Building Surveyor
- Changed the premises license and appointed 3 DPS’s (Designated Premises Supervisor)
- Arranged buildings and indemnity insurance
- Appointed an external consultant (with financial support from Cynnal y Cardi) to identify grant opportunities and analyse local needs that would attract additional financial investment
- Distributed shareholder certificates to 649 members
- Made arrangements to install broadband a modern till system
- Had discussions with various breweries and suppliers
The legal purchase of the pub is still ongoing, and although we hope to be in a position where we can exchange contracts in a few weeks’ time, this may not be the case – we’re at the mercy of the solicitors. Either way, we are very pleased to have reached an agreement with Daphne and the family which means that even if it the purchase is not completed in the near future, we have their permission to reopen the pub. Weare very grateful for their support and willing co-operation.
So taking all this into account, we are confident that the foundations are in place for us to reopen the Vale and our aim is to open the doors on Friday, 6 May – put the date in your diaries!